WIFE ALONE AT HOME Genre : Romance,adult
Audio : Hindi
Release: feb 2013
Subtitles - English Muxed
Story: Couple who have been aparted physically from each other more than a year on account of earning handsome money and luxurious life. One fine day on a telephonic conversation the husband arouses the wife leaving behind her uncontrolled over her physical and material desires. The wife who is not only alone rather refrained from her wants too.A macho man persona follows her and agrees to provide her satisfaction in termsof money and love. The wife becomes dubious and on the verge of Achilles heelwhich is not accumulated by her in the beginning. She introspects herself and then gives a smooth way inn to the boy who not only made her feel pleasure; on the epitome, rather facilitates her with hermaterialistic desire. The wife is so head over heels that she waited for the boy eagerly the next day. A repeat remote activity of all the sexual interchanging takes place and afterwards the boy leaves her almost in a state of shock when he denies his next arrival to her place. DOWNLOAD MOVIE